Untold Secrets of Banaras ( Truth of 40 seconds before death )
Banaras was earlier known as Kashi. This city is also known as “The City of Death”. Today I am going to tell you all about some things about Banaras. About which perhaps you people do not know. So let us know in detail about our Kashi. And also understand some of its untold and unheard secrets.

Untold Secrets of Banaras ( Truth of 40 seconds before death )
Mukti Bhawan – Moksha in Varanasi
Girish Mishra was at the end of his life when his son lodged him in a hostel. The hostel was quite different, it was not like a traditional old age home. Where there are many facilities and comforts for their care. It was a small dark building that had only 12 rooms. For the next two weeks, Girish Mishra’s son and daughter took care of him and would deliver his favourite food to him. Served him in every way and finally the day came for which Girish Mishraji was waiting. He took his last breath and died in Varanasi.

Now this is the story of a hostel where, like Girish, people from different corners of the country come to take their last breath. These people come to die, but this is not a suicide point or a place to kill at will. Rather, this place is Mukti Bhawan i.e. Salvation Home of Varanasi where people spend their last days in the hope of attaining salvation. Varanasi is a city where the fire of worry keeps burning for 24 hours. The last rites of about 100 people are performed simultaneously, now because of all this, as soon as you go to Varanasi, you feel a very strong energy, and this energy is so strong that the sadhus can complete their sadhana with it. But this energy can also affect some people very badly. Every year about 20,000 people make the pilgrimage to Varanasi, which is called the City of Death, just to die, so places like Mukti Bhawan have only one unique purpose – to give people a chance to die in Varanasi.
This place is made for special people who are in the last days of their life and want to take their last breath in Varanasi hence they have a policy that if you do not die for 15 days or your health improves. So you will have to go back from here and there are not many facilities here. There are only about 10 to 15 rooms where a very limited number of people are taken, there is a small temple and there is a priest who performs all the rituals. The belief hidden behind all this is that whoever dies in Varanasi, the cycle of his life and death ends there and he attains salvation and this belief is linked to the long history of Varanasi. Where long ago this city was called Kashi the City of Flights, then how did this City of Flights become the City of Death?
History of Varanasi – The City of Death
It is believed that Kashi was created by Lord Shiva. According to Matsya Purana, Lord Shiva says that Kashi is my secret and whoever comes here will get freedom from all his deeds. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, people of every caste and every colour are equal in Kashi. But there is a story behind all this which perhaps no one knows.

This is the story of Rishi Markandeya, Rishi Markandeya was born when his father Rishi Mrikand was worshiping Lord Shiva for years to get a child and one day Shiva appeared before him. Lord Shiva heard his prayer and accepted it but gave him an option. Lord Shiva asked whether he wanted a child who would have a very long life but would be foolish or a child who would be very intelligent but whose life span would be only 16 years, that is, he would die as soon as he turns 16. will go. Rishi Mrikanda said that he wanted an intelligent child. Lord Shiva fulfilled his wish and Rishi Markandeya was born from his wife’s womb.
Sage Markandeya was so intelligent that he started gaining knowledge of the Vedas and scriptures in childhood. Now as he grew up, his knowledge kept increasing and he had become a great devotee of Shiva. He had also come to know about his destiny and that is why, sometime before the age of 16, he started doing severe penance of Lord Shiva. Had started. And when the day of his certain death arrived, when the messengers of Yamraj came to take sage Markandeya, he was engrossed in penance with Lord Shiva’s Linga. The messengers of Yam tried with all their might to take him away from there but their strength fell short in front of the devotion of a Shiva devotee and seeing this, Yamraj himself came to take the life of Markandeya. Frightened by Yamraj, sage Markandeya held the Shivling tightly and prayed for his life to be spared. When Yamraj stuck his whip in the lane of Rishi Markandeya, along with it his noose also caught Shivalinga in its grip. Now after this, Lord Shiva became very angry. And he appeared there in person and to protect his devotee, he beheaded Yamraj with his trident.
Death itself was defeated in front of a Shiva devotee. Sage Markandeya got a new life but due to the death of Yamraj, the balance of life and death on earth got disturbed. Because no one can die without Yamraj, the havoc of demons, demons and sinners started increasing all around and there was complete turmoil in the world due to this, all the gods together requested Lord Shiva to bring Yamraj back to life. Lord Shiva agreed to his request and brought Yamraj back to life. But on two conditions, first is that he will give the life of Rishi Markande and will not let any harm happen to him and second is that from that day onwards, it is strictly prohibited for Yamraj and his messengers to enter Kashi.
Lord Shiva had personally refused to allow death to enter Kashi. Because of this whoever left his body in Kashi, his soul could not go to Yamalok. Due to this their cycle of life and death ends there and they attain salvation this is the reason why today people believe that one attains salvation by dying in Kashi i.e. in Varanasi.
Kaal Bhairav – Protector of Varanasi
But in the dark times of Kaliyuga, people tried to take advantage of this. Gradually, Kashi started getting filled with evil and sinful people and everyone started thinking that no matter how much sin they have committed, whatever they have done, everything is forgiven in Kashi. And because of this, evil and anarchy have crossed the limits of the world. There was devastation all around and finally, Kalbherab appeared in Kashi to stop all this.

Kalabherab is a fierce form of Lord Shiva. With eyes full of anger, tiger’s teeth, a snake wrapped around his neck and a garland of human skulls, he is a face of fear in person. It is believed that he was so powerful that he cut off one head of Lot Brahma. And that is why it is said that to destroy evil, Lord Shiva has deployed Kalbherab at the gates of Kashi. He is called Kotwal i.e. protector of Kashi. So if you have committed a lot of sins in your life and to escape the punishment of Yamlok, you go to Kashi. Then you will face Kalbherb.
Just a few minutes before death, when your life is playing out before your eyes. At that time Kaalbhairav comes and makes you experience the punishment of Yamalok in just a few movements. This punishment is called the suffering torture, “The Ultimate Suffering” i.e. the torture of Yamalok, which is found in Kashi on earth, which is given by Kalbherab. Whoever gets Bhairabi tortured, feels as if he has many bodies and each of his bodies is getting the punishment for his deeds. He feels so much pain that no one can even imagine in his dreams. It is said that upon death, humans feel the pain equivalent to the sting of 40,000 scorpions, but the torture of Bhairabi is even more painful and similarly, after getting punished for the sins of every birth, the cycle of life and death is completed. goes He gets salvation.
Manikrnika Ghat – Where Death is Celebrated
It is said that after death, our soul leaves our body and our body becomes like empty vessels and these empty vessels are burnt in the fire at Manikarnika Ghat. Manikarnika Ghat is one of the 84 ghats of Kashi where the pyre’s fire keeps burning all the time, 24 hours 365 days. But in this burning fire, there are some people whose bodies do not appear to be in bad shape

Just as there is a process of being born. Similarly, death also has a process. Which takes about 12 days. In Hindu religion, it is believed that the body of the deceased remains alive for the next 12 days. But if a person’s body is burnt before these 12 days, then the life energy inside him gets spread in the surrounding atmosphere. And that is why whenever someone goes to Manikarnika Ghat, he feels very strong energy. And these things come from the concerns of those people whose death processes have been stopped midway. Some sadhus, especially Aghori, use this energy to make their sadhana stronger. And that is why Aghori are often found meditating near funeral pyres.
Conclusion – The Cycle of Life and Death
The connection between Varanasi and death is very spiritual, here death is not feared but it is celebrated. It is believed that death is a part of life and for Domraja, who sets fire to the pyre, he spends 24 hours on the pyre of burning dead bodies. For him, death is his entire life.
And they consider everything related to death, all the rituals, as pure, so much so that sometimes the stove in their house burns with the wood used on the funeral pyre. What’s more, Holi is played with ashes in Varanasi. So all this tells us how life and death are similar to each other and how both have their importance.
So what are your thoughts about Varanasi?
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